A thing about passion

There is something appealing about a passionate person. It doesn’t matter what it is, if a person is passionate about it, I become interested. I can’t say I become passionate about it, but I do become intrigued. 

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Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often.

There’s so much to learn in the pursuit of living a more simple, mindful and intentional life. It takes a strong act of the will to resist the strong current of busyness, distraction, haste and urgency that most of us live our lives in. It takes courage and commitment to edit our lives.

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"Me Too"

When we realize that we are not alone, we become free to stop living as loners. Our pain no longer remains just our pain. It rises up from the ashes, connects with someone else's pain, and in some beautiful and mysterious way, takes a redemptive turn.

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